* To evolve as a world class dynamic center of higher education disseminating knowledge rigorously at affordable cost and to emerge as a premier centre that promotes technological competence and democratic values.


* “Pursuit of Excellence” in higher education to make our students globally competent.
* Enable students to develop as responsible citizens with human values.
* Provide value and need based education.
* Develop scientific attitude among students.


* To produce graduates capable of independent lifelong learning.
* To provide an environment in which staff and students can achieve their full potential.
* To foster a strong sense of affinity towards the Institution.


* Academic Excellence.
* Integrity and Honesty.
* Diversity and Mutual Respect.
* Expand horizons of knowledge.
* Shared Governance.
* Social Responsibility.
* Learning for Life.
* Ethics.
* Service to the Nation.
* Environmental Consciousness